St. James Ministries | Santiago Ministerios
We at St. James/Santiago Apóstol are excited for what God has in store for us. We welcome absolutely everybody! We are especially excited for our outreach ministries with the St. James Family Life Center’s ESL language classes and low income assistance, MANNA, and after-school tutoring at Black Middle School. Please join us in serving our Oak Forest/Garden Oaks neighborhood.
- Family Life Center — Serving the northwest Houston community through targeted partnerships, by providing help with Spiritual, Ecumenical, Nutritional, Social and Educational needs.
- Centro de Vida Familiar — Al servicio de la comunidad al noroeste de Houston a través de sociedades específicas, proporcionando ayudar con las necesidades Espirituales, Ecuménicos, Nutricionales, Sociales y Educativas.
- Middle School Outreach — Providing assistance with reading on Wednesdays after school.
- Escuela de Alcance Medio — Brindar asistencia respecto de la lectura de los miércoles.
- Bilingual Bible Study and Prayer Circle — Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm.
- Estudio Biblia Bilingüe y Circulo de Oración — Miércoles a las 19:00.
- Confirmation (instruction in Lutheran Christian beliefs) — Open to all youth, 11-17 years old.
- Confirmación (de instrucciones en las creencias luteranas cristianas) — Abierto a todos los jóvenes, de 11-17 años de edad.
- Children’s Ministry — Open to all elementary and middle school students.
- Ministerio de niños — Abierto a todos los estudiantes de primaria y secundaria.