May the Peace of Christ be with you. We hope this finds you well. Here is the plan for worship on Sunday, March 29:
1. We will livestream worship in English at 10 AM. You can view the livestream on our Facebook Page,, and church website,
2. We will livestream worship in Spanish at 12 Noon. You can view the livestream on our Facebook Page,, and church website,
3. We know it is a struggle to donate or make an offering to the church when there are no worship services to attend and money is tight. But the church must continue its ministry in these tough times, and so all of us must continue to give to support the many things we are doing to help friends, families, and the community. You may give online at our church website, at You can also send in your donation or regular offering by mail to St. James Lutheran Church/Santiago Apóstol, 1602 W. 43rd St., Houston, TX 77018 or drop it in the mail slot by the door to the church office. We glorify God in our giving, and our offerings make the ministries of this church possible.
4. In light of Houston’s and Harris County’s initiative to “Stay Home, Work Safe,” we will not be able to offer Holy Communion or drive-through food pantry pickup this Sunday. If you need food, please call the church office, 713-686-1577 and leave a message with your name and phone number, and we will return your call or arrange a pickup time to deliver food safely to your car during the week.
Please remember that we will do our best to share—and be—the Body of Christ for one another. Thank you for your generosity, and your emotional and spiritual support. Oh, and thank you for your “virtual” support, too. (see you online on Sunday!)
Peace and Blessings,
Pastors Arthur Murphy and Jhon Jairo Arroyave
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